Saturday, August 30, 2008

Let's do IT

Inventors, Inventions - no more Ignored Fellows...?

We have many great inventors here in the Philippines, and they have long proved that what they have are things that we can be proud of and we can efficiently make use in our daily basis. But with the poor support from the government they are now losing the will to pursue their inventions for the country, but instead selling it to other countries. That's why this research topic aims:

1. To know why these inventors are poorly supported by the government.
2. To be able to gather information that would encourage the government to support our inventors.
3. To encourage our fellowmen in pursuing their ideas and putting it into reality by using our own resources.
4. To show the world that Filipinos are also competitive inventors.
5. when Inventors are supported, more efficient products will be produce.
To make use of our own resources.

Value Added Tax...For Poor or For Rich?

VAT is a tax on consumption levied whenever the value of goods and services increases as they change hands in the course of production, distribution and final sale to the consumer. The President has been thankful for those individuals who has passed and created this VAT for it has become a big help in our country while many still says that it is the cause of the suffering that they are now experiencing. This research aims:

1. To explain clearly what VAT is.
2. To cite it's advantages and dis-advantages.
3. To open to the public where there money goes.
4. When everyone is aware, everyone would be vigilant in protecting their money. To prevent personnel in practicing Graft and Corruption.
5. To make use of VAT in good projects that would improve the life of every Filipino.

JOB now, JOB tomorrow, JOB for everyone

Almost every year the percentage of unemployed are getting higher and higher. Even though we manage to finish a good course with good grades we still have difficulties in finding a job. If more job is available then everyone would have the chance to get a profitable job that would help them in coping up in their day to day basis. that's why this research aims:

1. To encourage companies in providing more jobs.
2. To prevent our skilled workers from working abroad.
3. To encourage the youth, to do good in school.
4. To minimize the growth of unemployed individuals.

-=-It is nyc to Participate and contribute something especially if it would be for the benefit of the many-=-

-We have been asked by our Adviser to give 3 research topic that would improve the life of the Filipinos according to what we have read or heard from the President's 2008 SONA-

Reviewing _what _they_have_reviewed

The article that I have chosen to review was the article of Mr. Eric Ibasco which is the Computer Radiation. I chose this article because it concerns all of us. And I guess as IT people we should not only focus on what benefits can we get from Computers but also we should be aware of its effects on us especially on our health.

The article is about the harmful effects that we can get from computer radiation and some helpful tips that we can do to avoid or lessen this type of harmful effects.

Studies show that long-term exposure to radiation increases the risk of all forms of cancer, tumors, blood disorders, miscarriage, headaches, insomnia, anxiety, aging of the skin, skin burn, etc. and computers are one of the electronic product that is widely used which is a source of radiation.

Computer radiation is very harmful on the skin health, because we sit directly in front of the computer which makes our skin to absorb directly the harmful radiation. All monitors emits radiation so using Laptops or LCD is not an excuse. Monitors emit enough radiation to affect your health and appearance.

One of the popular solution of lessening radiation is the use of a radiation filter. This product will eliminate 94-99% of the harmful radiation emitted from your computer screen. Radiation filters are available for all types of computer monitors, and they work well to protect you from radiation. it would also help if we would place the processor tower away from our body for this will reduce the radiation that affects our body. Knowing these things, I think as an individual we should be responsible in protecting ourselves from this harmful effects so that we could maintain and live a healthy and strong body. It is important that we know the effects of what we do and what we use so that we would know the necessary measures in sheilding ourselves from this harmful effects. Remember: "Magatos Magkasakit!"..

-assignment 7-

Publishing your journal in top-tier journal..

Publishing a research work in top-tier journal is not easy. Before you can publish your work,it has to undergo many evaluation. And most of the time these organizations dump almost 3/4 of the works that is submitted to them. With this we should know the factors that we need to consider, for us to be able to publish our work in these organizations. And as what I have understood on the articles that I have read, our work must be interesting but should be credible and would be a real source of new information. It should be an original piece of yours and not just an imitation of a previous work. And lastly it would help if your work would be something that would be helpful to the public.

There are still many factors that we have to consider and it is for us to find out. Hopefully when we find them, we could apply it in our works..

-assignment 6-