Traditionally, teaching instruction was done in a classroom based where the instructor and the students meet and discuss every lesson face to face. Many wished to study but do not have the opportunity to attend the Instructional- Led and classroom based teaching. This is why the Distance learning was born. It is a way of teaching where instructors and students interact using the Internet, in particular the World Wide Web. Although internet nowadays has become one of the reliable and effective ways of getting information and communicating to your colleagues, many are still questioning its efficiency as an Instructional media. Other countries especially in the United States have eagerly welcomed the idea and were now using Internet as an instructional media, but locally only few schools have adapted and make use of this idea. Internet Based Instruction do have its flaws, given that text is the primary mode of communication on the Web, it is necessary that learners must be literate, or at least be approaching literacy and locally accessibility was one of the problems that instructors and students have encountered and make them stick to the traditional classroom based instruction. Personally, using internet as an Instructional media is not a bad idea. Although it requires Internet Instruction Infrastructure such as Fast computers, Internet connection, modem, special software, and training and support personnel, still these are requirements that if we can cater would be a great help in achieving another teaching environment where many individuals will be benefited. Like for us, some of our instructors now are using the Internet as an Instructional media and so far I could say that it is a good idea so that students like me could appreciate and maximize the materials that we have. But, the decision would still be in you, each of us has the right to choose on which field to use. Use the Internet instruction if it will serve you best or use the Traditional instruction media if it suits you best.
Reference: http://www.ou.edu/class/eipt6143/annehome/ou6333.html Thesis: The Internet Based Delivery System as an Instructional MediumBelinda Laya Torres, Master of Science in Information Science - USEP
I think that using the Internet as one of the Instructional Media to school is really great, but the fact still remains that not every students in our country have their own computer with Internet. So, for the professors, they must think the situations of their students. What if they can't afford to rent a computer on a Internet shop? But as the article said, it is in you on what do you think that best suits you.
i still like face to face interaction...
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