Tuesday, June 24, 2008

State of Computer Science Research in the U.S

The article that I have read was the state of Computer Science Research in the United States with regards to the evolution of the Federal Support for it. As what I have understood, computer science is not only intellectually challenging but has also provides a strong foundation in other fields such as in engineering and commerce. Computer science is a combination of theory, engineering, and experimentation. Many of the researches or ideas of some computer science researchers that have been produced are now efficiently used by many of our agencies which has been a great help for them to attain their missions and goals as an agency. It’s either we admit it or nor, computer science has been a great help to humanity in attaining an easier way of living.
With the many achievements and contributions that computer science researches had given, I, together with Wm. A. Wulf, Ph.D. President, National Academy of Engineering and AT&T Professor of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia do believe that funding the researches made by the computer science researchers are not just a waste of time money and effort but more of an investment. Investment in a way that whatever these researchers may found out in the future, could be use to improve what we already have or to produce another useful product. It’s just a matter of courage, the courage to pursue what you believe and the courage to trust this people who have allotted their precious time and themselves to gather information and to generate something that will benefit us.
But, even with these evidence of benefits that computer science have given, still its funding support in the united states is still in a shaky ground where researches are now be founded according to its merit, that may draw some of the researches on venturing to other fields or migrate to where multi-decade support is probable. If this problem would not be carefully analyzed it would be a big possibility that it is the future generation of mankind who will suffer in the consequences if we do not do anything now.

Technical topics that have been discussed in the article:

1.Federal funding of basic research
2.Cyber Security
3.Linear Model of technology development


Rendell said...

Not only in computer but other science researched in state are highly modernized compare to what we have in our country.

The Rice Creator said...

yes it is true that making a research have lots of effort to do, especially your time to get some information and money. And we all know naman, that the computer in US is very powerful.